Clare Novices' Regatta - 2025 Rules
Regatta Course and Events:
- The Regatta is to be held on an upstream course approximately 800m long, from the bottom post on the Long Reach to Morley’s Holt, unless conditions on the day dictate otherwise.
- Re-rows and other races may take place in the opposite direction, at the discretion of the Senior Umpire.
- There are four separate events:
- Men’s Cup - Men’s A Boats *
- Ladies’ Cup - Ladies’ A Boats *
- Men’s Plate - Men’s Lower Boats
- Ladies’ Plate - Ladies Lower Boats
- *If a college enters more than 3 crews of either one sex, the 'B' crew of that sex should also be entered into the cup competition (see also rule 2h).
- All events are to be raced in VIIIs.
- Prizes will be awarded to the winners of all four events.
Competitors and Boats:
- All participants must be members of Cambridge University or Anglia Ruskin University.
- No competitor may compete in more than one event.
- No rowing member of a crew may have rowed or sculled before 1st September of the current year.
- No cox may have coxed in a race before 1st September of the current year.
- Each crew must be entered by their boat club.
- Each club is responsible for the conduct of its crews.
- Each club must enter one crew (see rule 1c) in each of the Cup competitions and make applications to enter any number of crews in the Plate competitions.
- The Senior Umpire may, at their discretion, move ‘B’ crews of colleges entering more than 3 crews into the Plate event to ensure the correct functioning of the draw.
The entry of boats with Concept II type footplates is strongly discouraged, due to British Rowing (BR) safety concerns.
The entry of such boats will be allowed if absolutely necessary, and under the following conditions:
- The footplates must be suitably modified in accordance with BR regulations
- The use of such a boat must be specified on the entry form.
- Any boats with Concept II type footplates that have not been entered as such, or are not suitably modified, will not be allowed to race.
- Crews racing in the penultimate and final divisions of each day are expected to carry lights.
- All boats are to meet CUCBC and BR safety requirements.
Terms of Entry:
Clare Boat Club may restrict the number of entries, or reject any entry, for any reason that they deem necessary, provided such a reason is given.
Boat Sharing:
Boat sharing between crews is discouraged, and crews are urged to try and borrow boats wherever possible, in order to maintain the smooth running of the Regatta. As in previous years, sharing will be permitted with the prior consent of the Senior Umpire, subject to the following restrictions:
- No more than two crews may share the same boat.
- Crews sharing the same boat must not be entered in the same event.
- The Senior Umpire and the Regatta Secretary will try to accommodate boat sharing between crews in the timetable for races. However, such crews remain responsible for appearing on time and in the correct boat for their races, notwithstanding any delays which their partner crew may have encountered. Crews should also be aware that, should they end up racing in the same division (usually semi-finals or later), they are responsible for making boat arrangements to permit this; any crews who arrive late due to such problems will be disqualified.
- Boat sharing between crews of different clubs is permitted, but only with the prior consent of the Senior Umpire.
Notification of Event:
Every year the Senior Umpire and Regatta Secretary shall send, in reasonable time, an email notification to every club via the rowing contacts list:
- The dates on which the Regatta shall be held.
- The entry fee and deadline for entries.
- The date of the coxes’ meeting.
Online Entry:
All entries to the regatta must be submitted online. Each crew must be entered using the login provided by email notification to the captain of each club. The online entry system may be accessed from All entries must specify:
- The name of the crew (e.g. Clare A).
- Which other crews they will be sharing with, if any.
- The name of every crew member.
- Any other information requested on the current online entry system.
Submitting an incorrect or incomplete application will delay the processing of the entry, and may result in the withdrawal of the place allocated to the crew concerned. Late applications will be considered at the discretion of the Senior Umpire and subject to an increased fee. Boat sharing will not be permitted on late entries. Entries will not be accepted until the appropriate fee is paid in full.
Exemption from Requirements:
The Senior Umpire may, in exceptional circumstances, exempt a crew or club from any entry requirement, if there are reasonable grounds to do so. However, such an exemption shall not be interpreted as a modification to the rules or as dispensing the club from applying for such an exemption in the following year.
Coxes' Meeting:
- Every year, a coxes’ meeting will take place in Clare College on the Sunday preceding the Regatta, at which the draw, timetable, crew numbers and a set of coxes’ instructions will be distributed and explained.
- The coxes’ instructions will contain such additional regulations concerning marshaling, umpiring, etc. as are necessary. Such regulations shall be binding under these rules, and all clubs, coaches, coxes and crews must familiarize themselves with them and must abide by them.
- Clubs will be notified in good time of the above meeting. Attendance at this meeting is compulsory for all coxes participating in the Regatta, together with a senior representative from the club. Failure of any person required to attend this meeting may result in disqualification of the crew(s) concerned.
During the Regatta:
The decision of the Senior Umpire in any matter regarding the Regatta is final.
- The Regatta marshals will be identified by bright yellow vests. All marshals are to be treated with respect and their instructions regarding the marshaling of the Regatta are to be obeyed. Failure to comply with their instructions will result in the dismissal of the offending crew from the Regatta, by the marshal concerned. Rudeness or abusive language are prohibited at the Regatta, and will result in disqualification of any crew.
- In the event of an accident or any other emergency, the Senior Umpire will stop the races. This will be signalled by a continuous foghorn blast at the finish, and a continuous blast on a whistle from the Junior Umpires. Crews must stop racing on hearing this signal, as ignoring it could prove dangerous, and will result in at least disqualification.
- During races the Junior Umpire in charge of the race will warn crews to remain on their station by short blasts on a whistle. Failure to heed this warning will result in disqualification.
- The finish will be denoted by a short fog horn blast as each boat’s bow ball passes the finish line.
- Bank Parties following each race are restricted to four members per crew, whether on bicycles or on foot.
- During a race, no member of a bank party may overtake the Junior Umpire in charge of that race.
- The use of loud-hailers, whistles and foghorns to provide coaching or encouragement to crews whilst racing is forbidden.
- Every competing cox must wear a life jacket.
- Every competing boat must carry a bow-ball.
- Crew numbers must be clearly displayed on the bow-man and cox for the duration of the Regatta.
Conduct and Behaviour of crews
All crews and accompanying bank parties are expected to show appropriate consideration for other users and residents of the river at all times. This specifically includes: not using riverside foliage as a toilet, keeping noise and disturbance to a reasonable level if racing early on Saturday morning and proper disposal of litter such as water bottles. Any crew found to be behaving inappropriately is liable to disqualification.
- The prizes and trophies for the four events will be presented to the winners at Clare Boathouse or the Finish Line as soon after racing as the Regatta Secretary, Senior Umpire and winning crews can manage.
- The trophies are to be retained by the winning clubs for the period of one year, and must be returned to the Regatta Secretary engraved, at the expense of the winning club, with the name of the club and the year. This should be completed at least two weeks in advance of racing the following year.
- The Senior Umpire, Regatta Secretary, or any official marshal may disqualify a crew or club at any time after their entries have been received, for breach of the rules (including a misleading entry form), dangerous behaviour, or any other conduct which interferes with the running of the Regatta.
- The entry fee of any disqualified crew will not be refunded.
Infringement of Rules:
Should a crew which has won an event be found to have infringed any of the rules of the Regatta, the result will be invalidated. In such an event, all prizes received by the crew and any trophy received by the club must be returned to Clare Boat Club. In addition, Clare Boat Club may penalise the offending club by restricting or excluding entries in subsequent years.
Liability and Refunds:
- Clare Boat Club, the Regatta Secretary, Senior Umpire or Regatta officials can bear no responsibility for events beyond their control, or for damage or injury arising for collisions or any other accidents involving participants in the Regatta.
- Nor shall Clare Boat Club be under any obligation to provide a refund for any crew, should events beyond its control prevent the completion of the racing schedule after the Regatta has begun. This includes such circumstances as sufficiently bad weather that the Senior Umpire and Clare Boat Club feel that injury or damage may arise if the Regatta were permitted to continue.
- Crews scratched after the close of entries (midnight of Friday 19th of November 2021) will not be eligible for a refund.
- Any crew that has completed at least one race will not receive a refund if further racing is cancelled.
Rules and Organisation:
- Any club which enters a crew into the Regatta is expected to know the Rules.
- A copy of the Rules can be obtained at any time from the Regatta Secretary, and will also be available on the Clare Boat Club website.
- Clare Novices’ Regatta is a private, intercollegiate event for which its own rules, regulations and usages are applicable.
- Clare Boat Club shall be the sole judge in any conflict of interpretation arising from these rules.
- Any complaints about the organisation of the Regatta should be addressed, as soon as possible, to the Regatta Secretary, who along with the Senior Umpire will give the points raised due consideration.
- Any complaint against the Regatta Secretary or Senior Umpire should be addressed to the Captain of Clare Boat Club.