Clare Novices' Regatta
An exciting 800m novice regatta
Taking place around late-November (normally in week 8), Clare Novices' Regatta is an annual 800m race for novice crews and is often one of the first major races that crews will take part in. The individual races take place with two crews racing side-by-side, proceeding in a knockout style until one winning crew remains. CNR took place on Saturday 26th November 2022.
The draw for 2022 will be made available at some point between the entry deadline (18th of November 2022) and raceday (26th of November 2022).Row throughs
Click here for the list of allowed row throughs during this year's regatta.
The Course
The course runs approximately 800m upstream from the post furthest downstream on the Reach (near Ditton corner) to Morley's Holt, just downstream of the Pike and Eel. A map is available here. In each race two crews row side-by-side and racing continues in a knockout format.
There are two events for both men and women: the Cup events are for college A crews and the Plate events are for all other crews. If a college wishes to enter four or more men's women's crews, the respective B crew(s) must also enter the cup event. All events are for novice eights only i.e. crews where no rower has rowed before September of the current year.
Entries must be submitted using the online entry system. Entries for last year's regatta closed on Friday 18th November 2022. Entries for this year are not yet open yet.
Entry fees are £75 per boat for 2022, and fees must be received by the close of entries.
Late entries will be considered only at the discretion of the Senior Umpire.
Payment is preferably made by direct transfer (account details below) but cheques are also acceptable. Please make them out to "Clare Novices' Regatta" and deliver them to Clare Boat Club, Clare College, Old Court by the entry deadline.
Name: CBC Captain's Account
Account number: 70247537
Sort code: 20-17-19
Please put your college, a 'W', 'M' or 'B' (for women, men or both respectively) and the number of boats entered to CNR in the reference box when transferring the entry fees.
Instructions for Coxes
Click here to see the instructions for coxes.
Boat Sharing
Boat sharing is strongly discouraged. Where it is unavoidable, please see the details in this document.
The organisers understand that there may under some circumstances be problems with these arrangements. Any requests for exemption from these rules should be addressed to the Senior Umpire, Ferdinand Zoettl at claregatta[spam filter]
A full copy of the rules is published here. Particular attention should be paid to eligibility rules, which for 2025 mean that no rowing member of a crew wishing to compete in the regatta may have rowed or sculled before 1st September 2025 and no competing cox may have coxed in a race before the same date. Decisions of any individual rower's eligibility are at the ultimate discretion of the Senior Umpire, Ferdinand Zoettl at claregatta[spam filter]; if there is any uncertainty over a potential competitor's eligibility, a senior representative from the Boat Club of the College concerned must enquire well in advance of submitting any entries.
As always, crews are expected to treat the river respectfully. Particular problems in the past have been urination on the riverbank and littering of water bottles. Crews should ensure they have made use of proper toilet facilities before leaving their boathouses. Water bottles should be either kept in the boat or given to your bank party (they can be emptied into the river to save weight). Crews breaking these rules may be subject to disqualification.
It is likely to be cold during the regatta so crews are advised to bring plenty of warm clothing. Boats may be waiting for significant periods of time while marshalling. A member of the crew's bank party should bring a bag for extra kit to keep it dry during the race.
Social Media
In the weeks running up to the Regatta, we will, in addition to email, be using Facebook and Twitter to relay updates to competitors. If you are involved in the Regatta in any way, whether as a competitor, LBC or marshal, please do follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for the latest news.