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Showing results for Sarah Preece

Easter Term 2008

May Bumps

2nd Women's VIII at 3: UP 3 - Day 1: Bumped Jesus III, Day 2: Bumped Queens II, Day 3: Rowed over, Day 4: Bumped Wolfson (report, crew)

Champs Eights Head

2nd Women's VIII at 3: WINNERS out of 8 crews in the W3 category in a time of 5:43 (crew)

Head of the Cam

2nd Women's VIII at 3: 83rd out 128 boats in a time of 11.52; 6th Women's in 'Other Mays' category (crew)

Lent Term 2008

Newnham Short Course

Coxing the 2nd Women's VIII: 6th in Division in 7:55 (crew)

Easter Term 2007

May Bumps

Coxing the 2nd Women's VIII: DOWN 4 - Day 1: Bumped by Queens' II, Day 2: Bumped by Downing II, Day 3: Bumped by Corpus I, Day 4: Bumped by Jesus III (report, crew)

City Sprints

Coxing the 2nd Women's VIII: Lost to Girton in the final (crew)

Lent Term 2007

Lent Bumps Getting-on Race

Coxing the 3rd Women's VIII: 6th out of 16 crews who didn't get on in a time of 9:57, 7 seconds behind the fastest crew that didn't get on (report, crew)